Wednesday, April 20, 2011

David Fingerman's SPYDER

It's always nice to have authors on the blog more than once. I welcome David Fingerman for a return visit to discuss his new book, Spyder.

David, it's great to have a fellow Dreamspell author over to the blog, and even though I have previously interviewed you, please give new blog visitors a brief bio.

Hi Susan ~ thanks so much for inviting me back. I was born in St. Paul, but once out of the hospital I've lived my entire life in Minneapolis. During the summer months when the sun is shining and birds singing, I'm perfectly content to sit in my office, with blinds drawn, typing away at my computer. My favorite day of the year is the first day I pull a flannel shirt out of the closet. After 24 years of working in the court system, I walked away to write full time. Edging past Reality is my first book of short stories. Spyder is my second novel and quite a switch from the first. While Silent Kill (first novel) is a suspense/thriller, Spyder is more of an urban adventure.

I remember interviewing you about Edging past Reality and that cover was a fainalist in my book cover contest.
What books came along at just the right time to influence your reading/writing?

Shatterday by Harlan Ellison. As for timing, I have to give a lot of credit to a couple of friends who introduced me to the book. College had sapped my creativity to write. It had been a few years and this book reignited my passion to write for pleasure again.

Please give us a short synopsis of your new book.

Spyder is a very intelligent and very street-wise punk. He realizes, in the words of Bob Dylan, the times they are a changin'. Homeless living isn't as safe as it once was. Gangs now battle for turf and don't care about who's caught in the crossfire. Once respected on the streets, now Spyder, entering into his 30s, is just another nameless victim waiting to happen. Instead he decides to clean up his act and try his hand at mainstream society. Unfortunately, 'friends' and addictions seem to block every path.

As dark as this sounds, Spyder does have a deliciously warped sense of humor and there are plenty of yuks throughout.

I like warped humor.

How has your writing progressed since your first book? Has it changed you?

For starters I'm a much better writer ~ and still learning. It's turned from a hobby to a full time job. I used to send short stories to magazines and if I was lucky enough to sell one I'd get a check big enough to let me supersize at McDonalds and that would be the end of it. When my first book came out, that opened up a whole new world I was totally unfamiliar with ~ marketing. Even after three books I still find it very uncomfortable promoting myself but it needs to be done. That part has certainly changed me by forcing me out of my comfort zone. Also, my whole attitude has changed being that I'm now doing what I love to do.

I've been through the comfort zone thing too, and I congratulate you for taking the challenge.

When do you accomplish your best writing?

It's more of a mood thing than a when thing. I write during the day usually starting around 9am and going until around 4. But on those days when the creativity is flowing, I've been known to wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning and start. Or, if the creativity hits late in the day, I can go until about 2 or 3 in the morning before collapsing. I find it next to impossible to pull an all-nighter anymore (sigh).

Is there another book on the horizon?

Always. Right now I'm working on a horror novel. After that it will be the third Louise Miller suspense/thriller. The day I die there will be an (at least one) unfinished novel on my computer.

After hours of intense writing, how do you unwind?

Usually veg out in front of the TV (I'm usually done for the day by the time Jeopardy starts). On those rare occasions when I've got pent up energy, I'll exercise.

Are your books available in print, ebook, and Kindle?

Yes, yes, and yes.

Where can we purchase these books and get more information about you?

If you live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, my books are available at the local libraries and most of the independent bookstores. For those not in this area, they're available online at Amazon, B& and many other book ordering sites. But please feel free to go to your bookstore or library and have them order copies. If anyone wants to know more about me (and I shudder as to why anyone would) go to or my blog

Ah, David, you're a delight. Thanks for another interview, and continued success, my friend.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Deena Remiel's Trinity

Deena Remiel, author of Trinity, is my guest today. Welcome, Deena. Congratulations on the release of Trinity.
Tell us about this book.

TRINITY, A Brethren Novel, is the first in a paranormal series that follows the compelling stories of The Brethren. They are a group of angels manifested on Earth who battle against Evil, protecting and saving the human race along the way.

Is it available in print, ebook, and Kindle formats?

It is available in most e-book formats, including Kindle. It will be released in print in a few months.
Here’s a blurb about it:

One way or another, terror will reign tonight.

School teacher and single mom, Emma Livingston, has been through hell—and back so she thinks. While dealing with the night terrors and active imagination of her five-year old daughter, Hannah, she attempts to lead a normal life. That is, until the demon from those nightmares pays her a visit, too, and threatens both of their lives. Desperate, she reaches out for help—and finds Michael waiting.

Michael D’Angelo is known to everyone in Prophet’s Point, Arizona, as their loving elementary school principal. But to The Brethren, he is the most powerful Protector. Immortal and angelic does not mean he’s without doubts or fears, as protecting Emma and Hannah from Evil tests his ability to fight his tortured past.

As the Trinity is formed, ancient secrets are revealed and faith is tested. When a prophecy is exposed, Hannah becomes the main target and Emma wonders if a normal life will ever be possible again. Hope is like an anchor, but can a mother, her daughter, and an angel overcome the evil determined to annihilate the world?

How do you determine voice in your writing?

It’s not a hard decision there. My voice, my sass, my fear, my love, my insecurities, my hatred, my humor, they channel through all of my characters at various points in the story.

How does your environment/upbringing color your writing, Deena?

Growing up as an asthmatic child, with little medication that was worth anything, I was relegated to activities that were more sedate in nature, but more creative as well. Art, piano, writing, and playing pretend, all shaped who I have become as a writer. I am reflective, introspective, confident yet insecure, a champion of the innocent. These qualities come through the kinds of stories I tell.

Describe your ideal reader.

My ideal reader is one who, when the book is opened, believes everything the author has written. If it’s normal to have angels among us, so be it. If humans are living on other planets, believe it. For the life of that book, a reader should become totally immersed in the world the author has created and accept all that is presented. I love readers who believe in total immersion, who let themselves enter the fantasy. After all, reading is an escape, and to question is to not fully escape. Yeah, I’m one of those kind of readers!

After hours of intense writing, how do you unwind?

I do fun stuff with my family, like watching funny shows on TV, or going for ice cream. I also like to decompress with my author friends. Sharing with them has brought me such joy. Shopping is always a good time, too!

Any current projects?

Yes! I’m currently working on the second and third books in the series. RELIC is in the editing stages, and ELIXIR is still in the writing stage. I’m so excited about RELIC. It picks up where TRINITY leaves off, but if folks haven’t read TRINITY, they’ll still be able to read RELIC without a problem. RELIC is Raphael’s book. It’s a fascinating study of a soul’s reincarnation.

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

If people go to my website, they’ll find heaps of information there. I have a page that tells where I can be found on the Internet each month. Here is where you can connect with me, find my online serial about the Brethren, and purchase TRINITY from March 22nd onward:                                                          

Thanks so much for having me here, Susan! It’s been so much fun sharing myself with you and your readers. 

Susan, here's a buy link for Trinity: