Thursday, June 2, 2011

R.K. Finnell's Kickshaw Candies

R.K. Finnell was adopted by a single mother and became the youngest child in her family. Childhood was unconventional with experiences that helped to make her the writer she is today, drawing from these experiences to create a story.

She's been writing for years and never took it seriously until her own children were older. "For me it was just a fun thing to do. I believe it helped me find my voice and develop my writing style."

Welcome, R.K.

What books or authors have influenced you?

Thank you, Susan. The Elementals by Michael McDowell is a deliciously gruesome gothic horror. It draws on what truly frightens and gives one that feeling of chill.

I list McDowell, Clive Barker, and Stephen King among my favorites, but my writing is inspired more by things I see around me. I find my influence comes from life and my dreams.

Tell us about your latest book. Is it available in print, ebook, and Kindle formats?

Kickshaw Candies is a fantasy/horror based on Irish folklore. A different twist to the tales of the Bean Sidhe, Tir na nOg, and other myths.

It is available in print, ebook and recently, Kindle.

Can you share how you name your characters?

For Kickshaw Candies I chose Irish names with specific meaning that reflected something of the character. Admittedly, I also named some just for a like of the name.

How does your environment/upbringing color your writing?

I bring a lot of myself and my life experiences into my writing. While they say truth is stranger than fiction, sometimes it is better to pass it off as fiction.

I grew up watching every horror movie I possibly could and reading horror fiction. I draw from these to say what I want to say. I believe one can find inspiration within all different kinds of media.

Can you tell us about current or future projects?

Currently, I’m working on the sequel to Kickshaw Candies. It will have less fantasy and more horror. I’m also toying around with an idea for a vampire novel, but it will not be what people are used to in the vampire genre.

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?


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