Good morning, everyone! I hope you're having a fabulous morning. I just had a brainstorm I want to tell you about. I'm currently working on a new novel about life-long friendship.
I'd like to have original quotes about friendship to include. While I can Google plenty of quotes, I thought it would be more special to ask you guys to come up with a brief but profound quotation about friendship. If I use yours in the book, you will be cited underneath. If you're game, go for it in the "comments" section, but make sure it's original. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
"You know you have a real friendship when you you haven't seen a friend in so many odd years and then when you do see each other again; you continue where you left off as if time never passed."-Jonz V.Stoneroad
Thanks for the quote, Jonz.
Friendship must be nurtured and tended, given time to grow. Like rising bread dough expands when a loving hand is applied, or collapses if left unattended for too long and dies in a gasp when punched. Jo A. Hiestand
Wow, Jo. I love the analogy. Thanks for participating!
It was fun thinking of a statement, Susan. I had another one, but I liked this better. Since I bake, it kinda came easy to me! ;-) jo
"A great friend is one who loves you when you're up, loves you when you're down. In sunshine and rain they still stay around."
Here are a few, Susan:
True friends jump life's hurdles with you, or at lest give you a good boost.
The difference between friends and acquaintances is that friends want to know you better.
A real friend is one who is at your bedside when you are ill.
Once they've departed, remember your friends for the joyous moments you've shared.
If a friend needs help and you are the one who discovered it, then you are the one meant to help.
Great idea, Susan!
These are so good! Mary, some of yours really touched me. Keep 'em coming, y'all!
Friendship is like a flowing river. It never runs dry.
"When we are very young, friendships are about cheering one another on as we rage headlong toward the finish line into adulthood. As we mature, friendships become about trekking through life’s obstacles arm and arm toward the finish line into middle age. As we make our way into old age, friendships tend to be more about strolling, sometimes getting lost together in what was, what is, and what is yet to be, before we step over that final finish line into memory." Jodi Diderrich
Jodi, how profound! I love it. I can see that this is going to be a great contest.
Friendship - hard to describe but you know what it is when you have it.
A true friend is the one you must talk to when you have news - whether good or bad news.
I like that, Dave.
These are all excellent, and I appreciate the effort. I picked Mary Deal's first statement to use in The Goose Parade of Old Dickeywood because it's succinct and fits the book's plot best.
Interesting contest
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