
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Kindle versions can save you big bucks

Even though my books are in print, they are also available in digital versions for those of you who love to read but balk at paying the price of print. To make it easy for you,  here's the link to Genesis Beach, the first book in the Logan Hunter series. And the price has dropped, which I'm glad to see.

I'd love to know what you readers and followers prefer. Do you only read print? Do you prefer digital so that you can enlarge the print to suit your needs? Do you like the prices? Please feel free to leave comments in the section below. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I love the prices, but I'm still not enamored of reading on a Kindle. I like the feel of real pages. I like knowing how many more pages I have, and seeing my progress through the book. And even though Kindle editions are cheaper, the probability of dropping the Kindle in the tub cancels that out.

William Doonan

Susan Whitfield said...

Anon, I still love turning those pages too. I have one Kindle and two large baskets of print books, so I'm reading both. I feel you on the dropping the Kindle. So far my clumsy self has not dropped it into hot water. Only time will tell if I can keep it safe. thanks for commenting.